Saturday, December 5, 2009

Devachan Conditioner Leave In Results...

Well...hummm...there are pros and cons to my rotation leave in results with the return to Devachan.  It did give me some insight on where to go next with this whole experiment, though. 
PROS:  Eradicates FRIZZ!! I mean...NONE on my canopy (top layer of hair) where I always have some.  Smells good. 
CONS:  Consistency similar to watered down elmer's glue and does not spread through hair easily.  Had to re-wet hair (and i apply my leave-ins in the shower) to distribute. Dries with a harder "set" than I'm used to.  I like my curls touchable and even thought they looked good and had a really defined curl pattern, was kinda eggh to touch for me.  Gave more shrinkage than I'm used to seeing.
Soooo...I've decided to take a two step approach.  First attempt will be to mix Devachan with Aubrey's Honeysuckle Rose (1 tablespoon of Devachan to 2 tablespoons of AHR) and see how that works.  If that doesn't work, I will put Devachan just on the canopy and AHR everywhere else.).  Will post results tomorrow on first run!

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