Thursday, September 30, 2010

File Under WTF?!?! - Curl Flack with Keri Russell

Losing her curls almost lost her a job! She definitely looks better with them.

Never has a haircut caused such a stir. After Keri Russell's Felicity character chopped off her long ringlets, fans angrily petitioned the WB network and one top exec was quoted saying, "Nobody is cutting their hair again on our network."
To her credit, Russell remained unfazed. "I'm so glad I did it," she said at the time. "So glad. No matter what anybody says." These days Russell's hair is long and wavy, and her career couldn't be hotter. Following a critically-acclaimed performance in Waitress, the Brooklyn-based mom stars this year in Extraordinary Measures and Leaves of Grass. Just don't expect her to reach for the scissors anytime soon.

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