Saturday, October 31, 2009

Deep Condish Fridays

I typically will deep condish on a Friday night, plastic cap, sleep and rinse out Saturday morning. As I love to play around with mixtures and try different things together, Friday nights are usually a good time to relax and give myself a well deserved weeks end treatment.  This time I used for the first time Aubrey's Honeysuckle Rose Moisturising Conditioner mixed with a warmed dose of my favorite oil, Camellia, that I steeped in rose petals, fresh organic rosemary, nettles and hibiscus flowers. Mixed up well and slapped on well rinsed, wet hair and then 30 minutes under the steamer while watching the movie, "Twilight" (eegh-was alright, was expecting a little more).

So, this morning I will rinse and style and enjoy a great hair day!

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